@AuManufacturing News and BDO, a public accounting, tax, consulting, and business advisory firm, have launched the online version of the September 19 webinar, Towards 3% R&D—Where to from here?
Following on from the successful editorial series and e-book, a panel discussion was moderated by Peter Roberts, and featured expert manufacturing leaders discussing the fall in national innovation effort as measured by R&D from 2012.
After closing in on OECD average R&D spending rates, Australia has slipped and spends only 1.68 percent of GDP on research – half our global peers and well below leading nations 4 or 5 percent.
View the webinar and hear:
Jefferson Harcourt | Executive Chairman, Grey Innovation Group
Nicola Purser | National Leader, BDO R&D and Government Grants
Dr John Howard | Executive Director, Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, and Visiting Professor, UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance
Serena Ross | CEO, Circuitwise Electronics Manufacturing
Thanks to BDO, you may view the webinar here.