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Science, Research and Innovation




Where is Australia’s Business R&D Investment Scorecard? Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, June 2024. Download Paper


Institutions in National Research Systems: A Comparative Analysis,  Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, June 2024. Download Paper


Australian innovation and the crossroads: The slump in national R&D since 2008—causes, consequences and prospects, Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, May 2024. Download Paper


Investing in Australian public research and development: problems, challenges and opportunities, Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, May 2024. Download Paper


What Australian Listed Companies Spend on R&D, Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, May 2024. Download Paper


Science, Research and Innovation in Australia: What the Data Tells Us, IPPG Occasional Paper Series, Acton Institute for Policy Research and Innovation and UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance, Sydney, 2024. Download Paper


Taxation deductions available for R&D expenditure in Australia: Past and present, TTPI – Policy Brief 1/2024, ANU Crawford School, January 2024, Download Paper


Innovation Districts, Precincts and Hubs in the New South Wales/ACT (Australia) Regional Innovation Ecosystem: Reconciling Urban Development, University, and Innovation Policy objectives, Triple Helix XXI, Barcelona, June 2023 (abstract accepted, paper completion deferred).  Download Paper


Researching National Innovation Ecosystems: Institutions, Infrastructure and Firms, The Australian Situation, Professional Development Workshop, American Academy of Management, Annual Meeting, Seattle. Request Paper


​Investing in Australian public research and development: problems, challenges, and opportunities, a draft paper for discussion and completion, Howard Partners, March 2022. Request Paper


Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC), Capacity and Ability Framework, April-August 2022.


Transforming and Strengthening Innovation Systems in Developing Economies. Learning from International Experience and Clarifying Concepts, October 2021, Download Paper 


Advisory and support roles for the development of the Higher Education Research Commercialisation (HERC) Intellectual Property (IP) Framework, Department of Education, April-October 2021.


Rethinking Australia’s higher education system: towards a diversified system for the 21st century, with Preface by Professor Glyn Davis, AC, Howard Partners and UTS Centre for Business and Social Innovation, 2021. Download Paper 


The 2020 financial crisis in higher education: What were the drivers, and how should universities respond? Paper presented at the LH Martin Institute Conference: The role of Tertiary Education in supporting post-Covid social, environmental, and economic recovery, 26-28 October 2021. Request Paper


The Challenges for Australian Research and Innovation, UTS Occasional Paper, UTS and Howard Partners, 2020. Download Paper. Download Paper




UTS Innovation Roundtable Agenda and Pre-reading Material, View Material and Presentation, April 2019. Request Paper


Lessons from University-Business Engagement in Australia: Making Collaboration More Effective, presentation to the AIRG Roundtable, Sydney, 2019. Request Paper


Innovation, Ingenuity, and Leadership: Evolution of the Canberra and Region Innovation Ecosystem:  A Policy and Public Administration Biography, 2018. Request Paper


Australia’s Rural Innovation Future: Performance Review of The Rural Innovation System, for the Rural Industries Research and Innovation Committee of the Primary Industry Ministers Council, 2018. Download Paper

Research Reports 

Global Value Chains.

Previous Policy Statements and Reviews. 

Key Institutions in the Rural Innovation System.

Expert Opinion Survey Response Charts. 

The Biologically Derived Economy: A Discussion. 


Request Papers


Australia 2030: Prosperity Through Innovation. Report of the Analysis of Stakeholder Consultation, Innovation and Science Australia, 2017. Download Paper


Twenty-Five Years of Reviews: The Evolution of Australian Innovation and Industry Policy, A Public Policy Narrative, A Paper for Innovation Science Australia in Relation to the Development of the 2030 Innovation System Strategic Plan, Howard Partners, 2017. Request Paper


UTS Submission to the House of Representatives Education and Employment Committee inquiry into matters that ensure Australia’s tertiary education system can meet the needs of a future labour force focused on innovation and creativity, 2017. Request Paper


Regional Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) for the Hunter Region, 2016. Download Paper


Capabilities for Australian enterprise innovation: The role of government, industry and education and research institutions in developing innovation capabilities – key informant interviews, Securing Australia’s Future project, ACOLA, 2016. Download Paper


“Governance Models and Frameworks for Smart Specialisation”‘ Paper presented at Regional Studies Association and European Commission Joint Research Centre, Changing Patterns of Territorial Policy: Smart Specialisation & Innovation in Europe, First SMARTER Conference on Smart Specialisation and Territorial Development, 28-30 September 2016, Seville, Spain. Download Paper


"Smart Specialisation as an Engagement Framework for Triple Helix Interactions”. Paper presented at the XIV International Triple Helix Conference 25-27 September 2016, Heidelberg Germany, Triple Helix Models of Innovation: Addressing Ecosystem Challenges in the Era of Crises Regional Dimensions of Triple Helix? Clusters, Cities and Geographic Boundaries. Download Paper


Translating Research for Economic and Social Benefit: Measures that facilitate the transfer of knowledge from publicly funded research organisations to industry: country comparisons (Australia), Securing Australia’s Future project, ACOLA, 2015. Download Paper


Australia’s Innovation Future. A Report for the Senate Inquiry into Australia’s Innovation System on the Structure and Performance of Australia’s National Innovation System, December 2015 (with Professor Roy Green). Download Paper


Digital Post: Business transformation and the future sustainability of Australia Post, The McKell Institute, March 2015. Download Paper




Digital Steel: Report of the Steel Industry Research Mapping Project, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Canberra 2012. Download Paper


Ingenuity, Innovation and Initiative: The adoption and application of new ideas in Australian local government, ACELG and ANZOG, Canberra, 2012. Download Paper


Connecting with Communities: How Local Government uses SocialMedia to connect with Communities, ACELG and ANZOG, Canberra, 2012. Download Paper




Innovation Creativity and Leadership: A Study of the ACT Innovation System, ACT Government, 2008.  Download Paper


Between a Hard Rock and a Soft Space: Design, Creative Practice and Innovation, A Background Paper for the National Innovation Review, Council for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Occasional Paper No 5, 2008. Download Paper


Rigour and relevance: towards a scholarship of integration. Extending the role of social sciences and humanities in public policy research. Canberra, Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Canberra, 2008. Download Paper


Melbourne: Australia’s Knowledge Capital: The Contribution of Melbourne’s Universities to the City’s Economic, Cultural, and Community Development, City of Melbourne, 2007. Download Paper


The Role of Intermediaries in Support of Innovation, for the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, 2007. Download Paper


CSIRO: Partnering for the Future”. Innovation Management Policy and Practice 9, no. 2, 2007. Request Paper


Data analysis for the National Survey of Research Commercialisation 2003 and 2004. Canberra: Department of Education, Science and Training, 2007.


Changing Paradigms – Rethinking Innovation Policies, Practices and Programs, A study of innovation in Australian businesses, Business Council of Australia, 2006. Download Paper


Review of the Bio 21 Project, Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Victoria, 2006. Request Paper


Knowledge Exchange Networks in Australia’s Innovation System: Overview and Strategic Analysis, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2005. Download Paper


The Emerging Business of Knowledge Transfer: Creating Value from Intellectual Products and Services, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2005. Request Paper


Digital Factories: The Hidden Revolution in Australian Manufacturing, Department of Communications, Information Technology, and the Arts September 2005. Download Paper


Profile of Australian Early-Stage Venture Capital Investments 1995‑96–2003-04, Department of Industry Tourism and Resources, June 2005




The Emerging Business of Knowledge Transfer: From Diffusion to Engagement in the Delivery of Economic Outcomes from Publicly Funded Research ” In Triple Helix 5. Turin, Italy, 2004. Download Paper


Business, Higher Education, and Innovation: Institutions for Engagement in a Mode 2 Society. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of requirements for PhD. The University of Sydney, 2004. Request Thesis


Study of the interactions between research organisations SMEs in the ICT Sector. Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, 2004.


Evaluation of the CRC Program, Department of Education, Science, and Training. Download Paper


Forum and Fair of Ideas, Commercialisation Discussion Paper, Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia, 2003. Request Paper


Best Practice Processes for University Research Commercialisation, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2002. View Report (with Professor Ron Johnston) Download Paper


The Entrepreneurial Investment Environment, A Discussion Paper. Howard Partners, 2005. Request Paper 


Mapping the Nature and Extent of Business-University Interaction in Australia, Australian Research Council, 2001. With Dr Mark Matthews. Download Paper 


Recipes for Success: Case Studies Illustrating Successful Innovations by Food Businesses, Food Innovation Group, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2001. Download Paper 


Securing Our Manufacturing Future: A Study of the Outlook for Small Business Manufacturing to 2015 and Beyond. Sydney: NSW Small Business Development Corporation, 2001. Download Paper


Commercialising Innovation: “The Second Step”, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (NSW Division), 2001


Study of the Feasibility and Efficacy of Commercialising Research Outcomes from Australian Research Council Funded Research, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2001. View Report Phase 1 and Phase 2


A Study of Government R&D Expenditure by Sector and Technology. Department of Industry, Science and Resources, 2000, Dr Mark Matthews, Request Paper 


Audit and Review of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Infrastructure in Victoria, Department of State and Regional Development, Melbourne, 2000. Download Executive Report, Download Report Volume 1 




Views to recipients of the 125 per cent tax concession: A Report from 50 Consultations and Interviews. Department of Industry, Science and Resources, 1999.


The economic impact of venture capital in Australia. AusIndustry, 1998.


Benchmarking costs and performance for Australian rural research and development corporations. Rural RDCs Chairs Committee, 1998.


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